To Dream Of Bitcoin

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To Dream Of Bitcoin

Δημοσίευσηαπό Hayek » 30 Ιούλ 2014, 12:19

by Joel Dalais on July 29, 2014

Ancient Greek philosophers learned the importance of dreams: that dreams tied into our reality somehow, but notably that we must first dream of something before we can make it reality. Man told stories and dreamed of flying to the moon, and then with dreams created for generation after generation, we achieved it.

Marked by Neil Armstrong’s famous words “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

Bitcoin was a dream, the want and need for change, born from a desire burning in everyone. For if what Bitcoin brings and promises was not what we all desired, then surely, for whatever our reasons, we would not be drawn to it as we are.

For many of us the start of the internet was around 1995-1996, though it was birthed much earlier than that through the ARPANET, and dreams before that of radio and telecommunications (telegraphy). The list can go on, but it all seems to carry the same theme, better and faster communication with other people. The dream in this case could be understood to be reaching towards a type 1 civilization form of communication (see: The Kardashev Scale), in that we use the planet’s energy to facilitate communication, radio waves, internet. What can be seen from our history is that anything which enables us to travel and communicate more efficiently with each other, whether personally, business and especially within the financial world, tends to have long lasting effects.

But then here I like to draw a line, which leaves everything we knew behind and brings Bitcoin, most notably, the Protocol, in a new level of understanding and ordering of society. What is the dream of Bitcoin? Is it to be a new type of money, to coincide with fiat, or replace it? And then there are those of us that point out at each opportunity that the Protocol is more than just ‘Bitcoin’ the currency, and that we have not seen anything yet.

For some the dream is a ‘get rich quick’ scheme; the scammers and thieves and hackers that they tell you about, similar to bogey men – “if you’re not careful they’ll come and get you!” Except in this case, it’s very true (you should always enable 2fa and keep security in mind); there is wiretransferunfortunately this unwanted element of society that is attracted to Bitcoin.

All new and old in the bitcoin sector should remain wary of interacting with PayPal with regards to bitcoin; there are many tales of people being scammed through PayPal.

Yet it can be said, same as all previous valuable commodities and monies, silver, gold, diamonds and similar, have been made targets by pirates, bandits, crooks and criminals. It can be argued that this is a tried and tested way to tell that something is working, and this particular thing may be worth looking into and keeping tabs on.
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Perhaps the fact that we have seen millions voting themselves into complete dependence on a tyrant has made our generation understand that to choose one's government is not necessarily to secure freedom.
Friedrich August von Hayek
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